Mixing Binaural Audio
Binaural audio has exploded over the past few years due to Virtual Reality (VR) becoming increasing popular. I know this because it's developed quite a few different names: 3D audio, VR audio, 360 Audio and the latest - and most weird - 8D audio (HUH?!?).
Despite the marketing departments going a little over the edge, binaural audio is incredibly interesting technology and opens up a world of opportunities for music and sound.
When you first approach mixing 360 audio, it can be intimidating. You'll quickly realize that there is so much more space than you normally have when mixing in stereo and you can easily have a very thin sounding track at the end of it.
In this article, I'm going to run through some important pointers about mixing 360 audio which you can apply to music and sound design. I'll be covering...
1) Horizontal vs. Vertical placement
2) Instruments and how it dictates placement choices.
3) Places to avoid.
Let's get to it!
Horizontal vs. Vertical Placement
In general, binaural technology is very good at horizontal placement. Much better than vertical. This means that you can pretty much use the entire
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